"Yetim gülerse,Biz Ancak Gülebiliriz"


Information About Our Orphanages

Our focus is on areas of poverty and hunger. To protect and care for children deprived of their parents, we go to these regions and open orphanages. We provide boarding and daytime education here. We contribute to the education of orphan children by opening orphanages in camps, poor regions and places where there are no schools. But our condition is that the orphanages we have here will only be under our control and we will start their education in their own countries. We are currently in preparation for the opening of orphanages in Gaza and Jerusalem. Our orphanage programme in Yemen, Bangladesh, Mali and many other countries is ready and waiting when we find the money and the opportunity. We continue to care for orphans in all countries and our orphanages regardless of religion, language, race or gender. We will continue to do so. We try to work together with Yunus Emre, Maarif Foundation and the ambassadors of the countries in all countries. Teaching Turkish is our indispensable red line in every orphanage.

Content of Education in Orphanages

We determine the education curriculum in our orphanages ourselves. State education is an indispensable principle for us. Our goal is to raise children who are moral, love humanity, and are prepared for the future by receiving good and quality religious upbringing and religious education. In addition to education, our children receive training that will benefit them in the future, to become a social person, to gain entrepreneurial spirit, communication knowledge, and to hold on to life in better conditions. We want to develop individuals with a stronger character by improving them through the skill workshops.

Our aim is to raise individuals who do not fight with people and will love them forever. We emphasise education, with the principle that children and people are only protected through education. In addition, in line with the principle that children and human beings are protected through sports and arts, activities in these fields are more involved in education. We endeavour to create areas where these activities are carried out. Art and sports are the biggest supporters of child and individual development. We also emphasise the education of the orphans’ mothers and fathers, or women’s education. We also include this in the training curriculum so that they can become participatory individuals, develop themselves and have art and work in skills workshops. Women and children are precious to us. To protect them, we provide all kinds of training for them.